
Welcome to British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care

About BANCC Membership

The British Association for Cardiovascular Care (BANCC) is an affiliated group of the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS), a leading organization in the UK dedicated to cardiovascular health. The BANCC was established to support nurses and allied health professionals working in cardiovascular care, focusing on enhancing the quality of care for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits of joining BANCC

  • Free webinars/specialist masterclasses on subjects relevant to cardiovascular care

  • Access to funding for educational meetings and conferences (up to £250 for UK events or £500 for international events) subject to conditions

  • Opportunity to represent BANCC and be the cardiovascular nurses' voice at a national level (NICE, All Party Parliamentary Groups)

  • Publication of your research or service improvement projects in the British Journal of Cardiac Nursing